I know it was my main attraction, but I had to remove it since he cried to his mommy and they complained, etc etc and things got pretty ugly. He also said some really 'nice' words , but the worst thing is that he beat up (almost murdered) his kid brother (nicknamed Jazz for some reason or the other) who is really cool in my book. Jazz, Jedi Knight-Hood awaits you as we continue to fight 'evil' (yes we all know who darth vader is don't we?).

Well there's more than one way to skin a p....I mean cat.

Will justice be ever served?

What is this world coming to when a big bully, an all round pain in the behind, who swears all day and night and gets away with it. A perfect example would be **** (**** has a very small vocabulary so he only says the 4 letter word).

Till now I was the only one tolerating him....but that's gonna change ; If he offends me I WILL NOT resort to violence like he does but instead I'll put up the page back up again and write protect it! ****, You have been warned!!!

Real bummer huh?! Well this site may stop getting as much hits as it used to but sacrifices have to be made... now it's back to Sujil.FreeServerS.com

- Sujil


This is not a hate site, well maybe it was but it isn't any more. This part of the sujil.freeservers.com is dedicated to Jazz who got grounded after the incident for supplying the .wav file or in other words doing good. All references to "HE" and "****" are made up and so is "Jazz" (in case **** wants to sue me over THIS) I think It's even right now but he will never cease to be detested.